
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Newspaper Articles and Awesome Conversation

So I have this little have my cards published in the "Mother of Papercrafting Magazines" (at least to me anyway). Still hasn't happened, but I am definitely not giving up. Several weeks ago, a friend of mine saw one of my posts on my Facebook page and became interested in Robin began checking out the site, and not too long after that, asked if I'd be interested in being interviewed for our local paper. Of course, I said yes. Well, more like an excited, "HECK YEAH!!" So she came over one day and our interview was probably about 3 hours long. Hang on, let me explain....our sons, Alex & Collin, have been in the same class for a few years, and we know each other through the various activities our kids are in. Robin has also done mission work in Peru, so of course, I LOVE her. The interview wasn't that long, but it ended up being an afternoon of awesome conversation with a very interesting person. While Robin was at my house, we talked, laughed, I showed her how I made a few things, or explained the process, etc. During all of that though, Dominic played, I fed him, but eventually, he wanted to be held. I did what is basically 2nd nature & I picked him up. Because my hands were busy, trying show Robin what I do for my crafts, I put him in his Snugli & there he was on my back, happy as can be. The hilarious thing is that he is in the newspaper photo with me. I loved it!!! It reminded me however of the women you see in Peru (or really anywhere in the world, but I am saying Peru, b/c it is my homeland). I laughed when I saw it and wished I'd had one of the multi-colored slings that they use. You can see a picture here of what I mean:  The photo was actually taken in Bolivia- because I couldn't find one of one in Peru. Check out some of the other photo in Diego Rayaces photo stream while you are there. Very nice!! His blog is also full of beautiful photographs taken during his travels in South America.
Without further ado, here is the link to the newspaper article. Thank you Robin so much!!! We should get together again just because!!


  1. Love the Blog! I've got some pictures of women in Peru (& video) that I took while in the Andes. I'll forward a couple to you - along with other pics I took of you and Dominic. I forwarded several to Justin and made him choose.

  2. This picture is so cute! I loved reading your article, congrats on getting it out there!


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